
sk6812side 3D model

In the last post I talked about the sk6812side LEDs I’m planning to add. As I said I didn’t find a KiCad footprint for it so I created one. It turns out there are no 3d models of it either, have no...

Chirpy jekyll theme

Just a quick post about what framework I’m using for this website. The paste is hosted on github using github pages and jekyll. A very easy to use web framework that has direct support in github. ...

Side facing LEDs (sk6812side)

The bottom facing LEDs of the LS65 gave a decent underglow effect when printing the case with a semi-transparent plastic. Here an image from when I was experimenting with this. For the new lakem...

New logo

I generated a logo using some “AI Logo” tool. I think it looks decent so I’ll keep it for now to put as a stamp on my PCBs. I added is as favicon to this page as well.

Trackball Addons

Even though I never actually finished one of the thumb extensions using the side port on the LS65, I had several working prototypes. The main reason for never actually using them is the flash size ...

Configuration with Vial

The lakemountain keyboards can be configured using Vial (or VIA), meaning that you don’t have to reflash you keyboard to change the keymap. What is really handy is that vial is available as a web ...

How did I get here?

A few years back a friend at work bought a kit for a custom mechanical keyboard. I was immediately interested in building my own, but could not find a keyboard with the specs I was looking for, at ...


Specification VIA/VIAL configurator support USB type C Custom Case design Gasket mounted plate SKUF feet Custom PCB I2C Expansion ports on both halves with ma...